Sunday, September 23, 2012

day 86

Today wasn't too terribly interesting.  We had two brand new people at youth group, as well as several people who haven't come in a long time, so that was really exciting and encouraging to see. :)  Even though there were many encouraging things that happened at our church today, our church is still going through a pretty rough time, so if you'd remember to lift us up in prayer (especially our pastor and his family), it would be very appreciated.

Anyways, on a much more personal, like, "my life" basis...not a whole lot has happened the past two weeks. Well, I mean...a lot has happened, interesting is "our teacher didn't put the assignments up 'til late" or "I had a test today" really?  So I suppose, really...nothing particularly interesting has been happening lately.  Last weekend, I switched shifts (for the day) with one of my friends 'cuz he had a meeting, so I had to work through lunch, but not through dinner.  That was kind of an interesting change of pace.

And work last night was REALLY interesting.  I thought it was gonna be really crazy because we were short several people.  But somehow, it ended up being okay despite that; probably because we have a really good  crew on Saturday nights.  Of course, I didn't help things much by making a pretty rookie mistake, and feeling extra dumb for it.  I made some waffle batter, and put into the waffle batter dispensers.  BUT, i forgot to put the plug on the spout before I poured it in.  So, essentially, I just poured half a bucket of waffle batter on the counter. ...which dripped on the bottom shelf, and all over the floor.  Obviously, I didn't take a picture of THAT....but after I kinda sopped most of it up with paper towels, and kept it from making a bigger mess...I did take a picture of it.  So, please enjoy this picture of my oopsie:

...and you can't really tell, but I kinda dripped it all the way back to the sink. ..if you can't tell where that's at the far end of that table. was fun mopping it up at the end of the night. :-/

Monday, September 10, 2012

day 85

This is what I got to look at on my way to work this morning.  I guess it's not the most unusual thing to see, but it's still not something you see everyday, and it was pretty cool to watch the fog (..or steam, i suppose) kinda roll across the lake.  It was a nice surprise to start my Monday. :)

And while today was not terribly exciting, there were still some other things going on to keep it from being just a typical Monday.  I got to have lunch with a good friend, who I haven't seen since near the end of last semester.  Technically, that's going to happen every Monday, but it hadn't happened yet, so it was definitely a nice treat for this week. :)  And then less nice, but I had to give a presentation in one of my classes.  I was really dreading it, mostly 'cuz I don't particularly like the class, feel particularly adept at what we're talking about, or like giving presentations.  But really, it went well, and we gave out cookies, and there were leftovers can something that gave you cookies be that bad?  And then, it was really nice out, so we haven't had to turn on our air conditioner.  We just left the door open, and it was really nice.

The rest of my day was spent doing homework for tomorrow, and writing a paper that's due Friday (since I have two due on Friday).  Well, and trying to find other things to do besides do homework. Like, I cleaned our living room; pulled together one big box of trash and picked up all my books off the floor and couch.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

day 84

As a busy college student, sometimes you just have to take note of random things you pass in your day to get a break, 'cuz you can't really stop to actually take a break.  ...I'm not quite at that point, but I feel like I'm kinda getting there.  So, while I could tell you about the various homework assignments I've been working on, or exactly how my shift last night went...I won't.  What I will share, is this picture of a bug that was on our front door from when we got up this morning, 'til around 4 in the afternoon when Husband flicked him off.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

day 83

Well, this week's almost over, and it'll be nice to have the weekend to kinda recover.  Which to me, is kinda sad that I "need to recover", and still haven't had a full week of regularly scheduled classes.  (The only full week of classes we've had so far, one of my professors had to go out of town, so there were two different classes I didn't have to go to for the week.)  Nothing terribly exciting's really happened this week though, so...I guess I don't really have anything exciting to report for this week.

Our apartment has this kinda funny smell, that we're still trying to find the source of.  'Cuz it's not just like..."oh, our apartment smells different" it's like "ohh.....oh, is something going bad in here?" definitely want to get that taken care of.

And, I did our laundry today, 'cuz...well, basically, I've decided it's not something we want to take care of on the weekends.  What I didn't realize, is that Husband didn't take stuff out of his pockets because he was planning on wearing them to work tonight.  So, I just thought he was being really absent minded and left all this stuff in his pockets:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

day 82

Well, this is actually from a few days ago, 'cuz...well, I haven't really done that much interesting the past few days.  It was Labor day, so we had the day off.  It was nice to just relax and sleep in and stuff.  We also went to the mall and bought Husband some new shoes, because his were starting to fall apart and stuff.  But really, that was about it for the extended weekend.

And, the story behind the picture of the day actually goes back a while.  Over the summer, we were working  on the school custodial staff.  And when the camps came through, we had to go clean after them.  And we got to keep some of the random stuff we found if we wanted it.  Point being, Husband and some other guys found a chicken mask, and so they kept it.  For whatever reason he decided to wear it to church Sunday night.  And then, one of the other leaders decided to make him a costume so he could be Chicken-man, or some kind of superhero.  And so, here he is, in all his glory:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 81

Today...the beginning of a 3-day weekend. :)  Weekends are nice; I don't have to get up early for work, so I slept in 'til almost noon.  and then we ate lunch, and planned some stuff for youth group  (so any youth-group kids out there: come tomorrow; it's gonna be good. :) )  Then Husband and I went to the library to get some movies ('cuz it's a three-day weekend and we'll actually have time to watch them), and then well, then I had to go to work.

I usually don't mind work so much.  In fact, most of the time, I quite enjoy it.  However, last Saturday was ROUGH.  like, nine kinds of rough.  and then this week, it kinda started out the same way, and I was convinced we were gonna be stuck there 'til 11 or something ridiculous again (and yes, we actually were there until 11:15 last week).  But people are getting the hang of their jobs; we had better workers; we managed stuff better than we did last week...the garbage disposal didn't break....I don't know what the ultimate cause was, but we ended up getting out a tad after 9:30, which is when we really should be getting out, so that was wonderful. :)

And the explanation of today's picture:  A few years ago, I got one of those "CUSH" pillows.  and I really like it; it's pretty comfy and fun to play with.  But, it was recently discovered that it's been leaking some micro-bead-stuffing-stuff.  So, we decided that rather than just throw it away, we'd just get some fabric and cover it up.  So, 1- HGTV is right -recover stuff if you can.  I paid $2.25 for the fabric and sewed it up in well under two hours (by hand...if you had a sewing'd have been like 2 seconds.)  and 2 - here is my newly covered pillow:

day 80

Today was the Friday of the first full week of classes.  crazy no?  Actually, it's not that crazy.  My day was pretty uneventful; just went to classes and stuff.  We got brownies in auditing though, so that's exciting. :)  And then there was a small fiasco about did I need to work dinner, but that got all straightened out and I ended up not having to work, so that was nice. :)  I also got to just sit and talk with my husband on one of the couches in the student center, and found this:

and then...well, yeah, my night was pretty uneventful too.  Husband (who I will probably continue calling "husband" in the interests of not using people's names), went out to dinner and stuff with some other guys from church, and I just kinda hung out at home and ...well you know.  hung out at home by myself. :)

(note the bit of pop-tart in there.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

day 79

Well, today I got every college kid's dream:  THREE packages.  THREE!  for the kid who still gets excited about getting a box, when she already knows it's a textbook she ordered.  But actually, it was really exciting (even though I mostly knew what was in them).  My mom sent us some stuff to use for our youth group, and I somehow got it in my head that she was sending us the student versions of the book, but she actually sent the full version.  Which is cool, because we'd just been talking about how the full version is much deeper than the student version, and more likely to hold the kids' attention.  PLUS, it came with some other books that I've been thinking about lately, and am pretty excited to read. :D

Otherwise though, my day was pretty normal and unexciting. I worked a lot and went to classes, and got ahead on some homework.  Two of my classes are cancelled for this week due to some family issues for the professor.  But I've gone through all the power points and things he left for us to study in his absence, so I'm done with both of those for the week too.  So basically, classes haven't *quite* gotten into full swing yet, so I'm taking advantage of the extra time by trying to get ahead, so I can stay ahead. :)  Work on the other hand, is less stressful when it is in full swing.  We're still working on getting everyone trained and settling shifts and everything, so hopefully in a week or two, we'll be able to be done closer to 9:30 than 10. but until then, I guess it's an extra $4 for me. :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

day 78

You'll never guess what I got in this package.... lol.  yeah, surprise, a book.  for my Non-Profit and Government Accounting class.

In other news...probably the most significant thing that happened since the last post, as far as this blog is concerned, is that I lost my camera.  But then, on the first day of classes, I found it in the side pocket of my backpack.  And so, as far as equipment is concerned, I'm all set to go for the blog again.

Other really important changes that have happened in my life, are...I got married, so now he and I are living out where we go to school in an apartment that...well, it's an apartment.  I've decided it can be described fairly well by the statement "we got a really good price on it, but maybe not such a good deal."  But like I said, it's a place to live, and we can afford it, which is good, since both of us are still in school for the time being.  It's good to be back at school, especially now that it's school time again, and there are actually people around.  It's good to see some friends, and to be doing stuff besides cleaning toilets (which is what we did when we were here for the summer. ...not the best job, but again...just thankful to have a job.)  And I guess the way all that ties into blog-impact is that I'm taking 16 credits and working roughly 20 hours a week....picture taking and blog writing are just not that high up there on the priority list.

All the same, I'm glad to have a normal schedule back, be back around some really amazing people and in the awesome environment that's at our school, and be able to try and get back in the swing of this too.  So I guess we'll just see what God has in store for this year, and see how well I do with the whole blogging thing. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

day 77

Today, my mom, my brother and I went looking through a nursery for some plants.  Well, ferns specifically.  But, the plants in this nursery were not very good-looking, and so we ended up not getting them there.  I did find this though, and I thought it was cute, so I took a picture of it.

Day 76

Today was my cousin's birthday!  Happy Birthday, Cousin!  we went out to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate, but there were too many of us to sit at the same table.  So, I sat with a few other people at a separate table.  I decided to take a picture of my cousin.  I had it all lined up and focused right...and then the guy sitting across the table from me got up.  So, this is almost a picture of my cousin, but a picture of the guy's elbow instead:

day 75

my other aunts threw me another bridal shower today.  We had a really nice time.  This is a picture of a plant  that is in my aunts front yard; I thought it was pretty:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 74

Today, I fell asleep while mom and I were driving home from our trip (she was driving).  When I woke up, this was on our windshield.  That must have been a big bug; I don't think I've ever actually seen blood smeared over a windshield like that.

Day 73

This weekend, my mom and I took a trip up to where I go to school, and will be living next year, to help my fiance settle into the apartment and get it set up some and stuff.   When we got there saturday morning, there were lots of boxes spread all over, and not much stuff set up.  Now, it actually looks like a house:

Day 72

My mom recently ordered a dress for my wedding, and has been anxiously awaiting its arrival.  Part of it is that she was scared she was being scammed, so it's arrival meant she wasn't being scammed, but I think most of it was that she was just super stoked to have a new dress.  Anyways, it came today, which was a kinda interesting waiting game, because Amvets or Purple Heart or something came today.  So, when I got home, there was nothing on the front porch, which gave rise to the suspicion that it had been delivered, and then taken away with all the stuff we were actually trying to get rid of.  However,that didn't happen, and mom finally got her dress.

day 71

Today my cousin graduated from UVA.  Way to go! So, after convincing my grandparents to go with us (who were convinced we wouldn't go because Dad's been a tad sick), we made the drive up to Charlottesville.  Once there, we drove around in circles looking for parking, and then figured out how to get where we were going to watch her graduate.  We were going to watch her on a live feed inside, but we got there later than we meant to, so we were in an overflow room. ..The feed in the overflow room was almost as bad as the sound in the overflow room.  I have never seen or heard so much static-equivalent as on that day.  In anycase, we did finally sneak into the main room and actually understand what people were saying, and actually see her receive her diploma with her school in that same room.  Then we had a picnic before she rushed off to sing with a group she was involved in (which is very typical of her).  In anycase, these are some flowers from the walk from Newcomb Hall to ...wherever it was we were when we had our picnic. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 70

Today's actually been a pretty crazy day.  I got to sub at my old high school, which was pretty cool. ...Except for where I wore shoes that didn't quite fit right, and wore a nice blister into the back of my heel.  So I thought about taking a picture of that, but decided not to. 

I also helped my mom grade some papers at school.  I thought about taking a picture of this one kid's paper, but decided that would be an invasion of privacy or some other legal stuff I don't want to get tangled up in, so I left it alone.  But here's why I wanted to take a picture of it.  The kid got 10 out of 25 questions wrong on a test.  Or, the answer sheet where he bubbled in the answers.  On the actual test with the questions, he only got two wrong.  There was a lot of red on his paper, and I just thought it was interesting to see how many mistakes he made by (I assume) going too fast and incorrectly bubbling in answers.

But what I decided to take a picture of, was this:
Today,  I received an RSVP card back from one of my really good friends from college. Or rather, one of our mutual really good friends from college, because he's also really good friends with my fiance. In anycase, in addition to the RSVP card, he also wrote a really sweet note, and included a "lucky loony" (from the Vancouver Olympics) to wish us luck in our marriage.  I just thought that was really sweet and cool and all that jazz, and that's why it's today's picture for the day.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 69

Today was my cousins birthday, so we went to his house and had a cookout.  They somehow managed to find tomatoes that were bigger than the burgers.  I've NEVER seen that before.

Day 68

Today, my cousin and aunt held a bridal shower in my honor, and these were some of the decorations.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 67

After being home for almost a whole week, I finally got a chance to sub and earn some money.  I also got the chance to just kinda relax (even though I've been doing that for most of the rest of my time home), as well as go to orchestra practice for church.  Later this evening, I was flipping through channels, and saw that A Walk To Remember was on.  I thought about watching it, but I decided against it due to technical difficulties.  As in...believe it or not, the image was stuck on this for a really long time. Like seriously ...this is a commercial.  You can't hear the voice-over or anything, but it was talking about a sale at JC Penney or something while I took this picture.

day 66

After my final...well, final, and lunch with some really good friends, I worked for a few hours helping the cafeteria get all ready for its renovations. looks so different and cluttered.

day 65

Today, I subbed for someone, and the guy cleaning off the line found a wad of ...well, under the line crud.  ...isn't it lovely?

day 64

The people at our church are kind enough to give us goodie bags with popcorn and fruits in them at the end of each semester.  I actually shared mine with my fiance, so he gave me his later in the week when i needed something to snack on.  I have NEVER had a bag of popcorn with butter smeared all over the outside, straight out of the package.  no idea what's going on there.

day 63

I'm actually doing this like, two weeks late, so I don't remember everything that was going on this week and stuff.  This was after my monday night shift; I suppose we were celebrating being done with classes.  and our friends offered us a cookie-monster cookie (can't you see his eye?) that turned out tongues blue.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 62

Today was our last day of Thursday classes for the semester.  It was a pretty chill, and uneventful day.  I overslept and skipped my first Macroeconomics class for the semester, subbed for someone during lunch, and got to have lunch with a very good friend who I haven't seen in a few weeks.  I also finished ALL of my homework for the REST of the semester, so I'm pretty stoked about that too. :) 

Interesting story for the day:  I got an e-mail from one of my professors, saying I hadn't turned in one of my homework assignments.  "Oh yes, I did," I thought as I rifled through my binder, and found the assignment in question about 3 pages in.  And that folks, is why you should have at least this many papers in your binder at the end of a semester:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 61

Tonight was specialty night for dinner, which means instead of mystery meat or whatever other kinda of hash the school cafeteria normally serves, there were steaks and chicken strips!  I was very excited about this when I walked into work, because (since I was working through dinner), I didn't have to wait in the half-hour line you usually have to wait in to get some of this delicious food; simply put it on a plate, into the warmer, and then get it when my shift was over.  Unfortunately, they ran out of steaks over an hour before my shift ended.  I was rather upset.  Anyways, this is the an interesting picture I took from dinner.  It even comes with an interesting quiz question:

Why did my fiance need 4 bowls for dinner?

a)  to try more sauces to dip chicken in.
b)  because there was only one normal size bowl out in the cafeteria.
c)  he didn't; some are mine and he's being a gentleman and preparing to take them up for me.
d)  False.  There are only three bowls in this picture.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

day 60

Explanation of the picture:  there were fresh strawberries in Chuck's; and my fiance enjoyed them. :) 

Story of my day: ..actually, there's not much of one.  I went to classes and work like normal, swung by friend's senior presentation and helped break up her 5 hours of standing by a poster, went to the gym and did minimal amounts of homework, and...basically, absolutely nothing exciting happened today.  But it's always good to have days like that; it's kinda like the calm before the storm, since finals week is just...another week and a half away.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

day 59

so, after my mom and sister's visit, it was a fairly normal week.  Friday night, we had an all-nighter at our church for the youth group.  We had a really good time just hanging out, eating more junk food than you'd think could be consumed (actually, we didn't eat that much, we just brought that much. ...which means we still need to eat it. :P )  and playing frisbee.  lots and lots of frisbee.  even at like, 2 in the morning.  It was fun, but there was a small downside:  someone got a frisbee stuck in the gutter.  I actually didn't realize that until someone pointed it out on the way into church this morning.  So, the first half hour or so of youth group, we played "get the frisbee out of the gutter".  it was interesting:

yeah, that's right.  electric cord lasso.  didn't quite do it on its own though; the final solution ended up being someone threw a hula hoop with a roll of tape on it, connected to the cord up and got it stuck on the frisbee, then i threw a volleyball straight up at the bottom of the gutter to pop the frisbee out some.  when it came out some, they pulled the hula hoop back and freed the frisbee!  and that was our adventure for the day. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

day 58

My mom and sister are here visiting for a few days while they're on break, so we went to a mall.  We passed some of the kiddie ride things, and so my fiance and sister hopped on for a quick photo op.  Probably not the most exciting moment of their visit, but that's okay.  It was really nice to see them for a while, and we all had a really good time. :)

day 57

Today was basically the same as break, some homework, some work, and some hanging out.  On my way back to my room after my breakfast shift, I decided to take a picture of this confetti stuff on the floor outside the RD's office.  It was there all weekend, and honestly, it might still be there.  I don't know why. 
Umm....yeah, again..nothing really exciting.  I think the most exciting stuff that happened was at work, when i slipped and fell (i'm fine), and when i stood up into a rack, which...while not damaging or anything, hurt like heck.  It about felt like I pulled off my arm. :-/  But yeah...just finished up break nicely, and ready to go at it for another few weeks. :)

day 56 - Easter


It's Easter break, so I feel like I *should* have taken a picture each day, but i didn't.  But I did go for a nice walk, and took a lot of pictures, so I'm going to post a few of my favorites from that :

And, recap from break:  I did a lot of homework, but, having two days off from school, I also got to just kinda hang out and watch movies, and generally chill out more than I usually do.  I also worked a lot, which...wasn't really bad over break, and I'm sure my bank account will really thank me for it in about a week, so that's definitely good too. :)  We got to have dinner with some friends, or, more professionally, we had our final Fit to Be Tied session with our mentor couple, and that was really nice.  And probably the most memorable moment of the weekend:  The guy who I usually do music with at church said he wouldn't be there, so I spent a few hours on Saturday picking songs to play, learning how to play them, and writing out the lyrics and chords to get all ready for Sunday morning.  AS I was finishing writing the lyrics and chords out (or rather, i was about halfway through the third song; my fiance had just finished the powerpoint), the pastors wife called and said someone was going to play the piano the following morning, and would we lead the singing for these four songs.  I really didn't mind, but it would definitely have been nice to know before I spent a few hours planning that out myself.  Oh well.  it ended up fine, and we had a really nice Easter service. :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

day 54

..apparently I like taking caddy-cornered pictures; sorry, but i like the way it looks.  This is a picture of my room, with a note taped to the door.  Just a few moments ago, I received an e-mail from my RD saying we could get out of room checks tomorrow by posting a note about our favorite Easter memory on our door.  Obviously, I could benefit by getting out of room checks, and so I did.

and that is my super awesome story from the day.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

day 53

so, these are my pants from work last night.   but to really understand why this is my representation of the day, I have to start with yesterday.  Fridays, I go to class from 9am to 1pm.  yesterday after I got out of class, I finished the paper I've been writing for Monday, and then went to lunch.  Then I continued working on homework, went and grabbed a sandwich before work, and then rushed out of work to go to church, where we have Friday night hangouts with the youth group.  yesterday's was particularly fun; we played a game called Pass the popcorn, ate way more food than even a dozen teenage boys should eat, and watched a movie (or, as in my case...hung out and played catchphrase while others watched a movie).  Then, after getting back just after midnight, i rushed to go to bed.
Rushed to go to bed?  who rushes to go to bed; that's supposed tocft be relaxing.  people who get back to their room at 12:30, and have to be at work at 7am rush to go to bed, and I was one of those people.  So i dutifully went to work at 7, and made biscuits and trayed up other food, and grilled sandwiches and other stuff the cooks have me do.  Then I rushed back to my dorm, to leave to go on a hiking trip followed by a cookout with the youth group (which was also fun :D ).  We got back to campus after all that around 4, and after a few minutes of sitting/quiet time, I had to go back to work because I was subbing for someone.  When I was cleaning up at the end of dinner, I accidentally squirted a bottle of oil all over my pants, hence the stain. thankfully, the dinner plans we had after that got cancelled.  that's good, 'cuz i didn't get off work 'til a half hour after they started (and then had a huge nasty stain all over my pants...not exactly desirable attire to go to someone else's house), and plus, i was so tired it probably wouldn't have turned out well.  it's kinda a bad thing though, 'cuz now we have to figure out a new time to do dinner, and we're kinda bad at scheduling get togethers. :)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

day 55

Honestly, this was a week ago, so I don't quite remember everything that happened.  but, I remember that this is the day I realized there was really no getting around it; I need new Chuck's.  I also remember that this was the day that, for once, I finished, on a Friday, a paper that was due the following Monday.  And it was also the night we had our movie-themed late-nighter at church, for which we had a costume contest, and I went as Linus from Peanuts.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

day 52

uh...i don't really remember what was going on last week.  but, i do remember that is the first time in a while that Nathan and I got to hang out.  We sat under the stairs to hang out, and it was kinda an interesting view so I was playing around with it while he went to the bathroom or something.  I tried to do something with the composition, but I'm not really sure how well that actually turned out.

Friday, March 23, 2012

day 51

This was just me goofing off and taking pictures after class the other day, 'cuz it was nice out, I had a few minutes to kill, and I hadn't posted a picture in a while.  This picture's actually kinda interesting, 'cuz I did the like, up-close branch in-focus; background tree blurry thing. ...but I did it completely on accident.  I did it later on purpose too, it just...wasn't as good a picture as this one.  And that's probably the highlight of my week; it hasn't been very exciting.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

day 50 - St. Patrick's Day!

I did not wear green today; feel free to leave pinches in a comment or whatever.

As I just mentioned, I've been playing catchup for most of the past week, including today.  I went to a meeting for a program I'm in this morning, had lunch with some friends I haven't seen in a while, did super lots of homework, went to work, had some pizza with some guys, and then took a test.  or finished taking a test rather. ...but we won't get into that headache.

 no, today's picture is from the pizza eating session.  The other guys brought the pizzas (and chips), and my fiance and I brought sodas.  Through a random comment or something, I ended up spending about a half hour building this:

yeah, that's right.  4 coke bottles stacked on top of each other, with the tops stacked on top.  I could get the bottles fairly easily, but the tops kept not stacking properly, and then i knocked the whole thing over about 3 times.  plus it was *just* breezy enough to actually be a problem.  but I did it. :)

and that's the exciting thing for the day. :D

day 49

this is the box of m&m's I won yesterday in a game during class.  Don't get too excited that I'm awesome enough to win though; it's not that big of an achievement since I was the only one playing.
After classes and work and all the normal weekly stuff, I went to church for a Friday night hangout, and that was fun.  We had a bonfire and made s'mores and stuff, played corn hole with some of the kids, and watched a movie.  Not terribly exciting or anything, but a good time overall :)

And that was probably the most exciting day of my week.  The rest of the week was spent playing a lot of catch-up from break.  I enjoyed being able to go home and work on..pretty much not school for a while, but the lack of school work done definitely came back to get it's revenge.

Actually, I somehow almost forgot.  Nathan and I officially have housing for next year/over the summer:)  we went and signed the contract this afternoon, so May 16th..the place is ours. :D

Sunday, March 11, 2012

day 48

Maybe it's really hard to see, but the picture's supposed to show the grass stains I have from playing volleyball at youth group tonight.  It was a lot of fun, but I got a little bit dirty.  ..I also ..cleated myself in the thigh, without cleats on?  I don't think it really left a mark or anything though, so I guess that's definitely not in the picture.

Anyways, my day:  wake up super early ( hour earlier, it seems, since its time change Sunday. :P), got ready, drove from my house to my school (which is about a 10 hour drive), stopping a few times for gas or to pick up passengers, unpacked quickly, went to church/youth group, went to subway for dinner, and then did some homework, and now (or soon), I am going TO BED.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

day 47

Even though my fiance's birthday was almost a month ago, his mom decided we should celebrate it with his family.  so, they made this cake (the m-n-m tree cake) because it is his favorite birthday cake (we had it last year too). I think my favorite part of this cake is the numbers on it, for which there are two possible interpretations:
1)  He's actually a time lord (maybe even the Doctor!)  and is actually turning 9,651 years old. 
2)  His family didn't have the number "2" as a candle, so they put numbers that added up to "21" instead of just putting 21 candles on it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

day 46

And again, not waking up one time. (blurry time on alarm clock, ' waking up to alarm clock skills are blurry? meh, i dunno).  Anyways, after going to bed at something like four, I got called at quarter after 6, and around 6:30, and then my alarms started going off.  And still, was asleep when my mom woke me up 5 minutes after we should have left. :-/
Anyways, I got the temporary crown on my implant done, so it's exciting that I actually have a tooth there now. :)  and I got a cavity filled, which was fine, but not nearly as exciting. 
Overall though, I just got to have a really nice day hanging out with my mom, who went with me to all my doctors appointments.  We went out to lunch, slept through movies on the couch, went grocery shopping, and a few various other errands.  Then my fiancee came over for dinner and we were going to watch the Blues Brothers on Netflix, but its not on there anymore.  So we watched Doctor Who instead, which was not a loss at all. :) 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 45

So, I was pretty excited to go to church this morning, because it's the only chance I get over spring break to go to my "home church."  Home church in quotations because, as much freshman year at college, it really was my home church.  and even more so when I still lived and went to school here, and was at this church every Sunday.  But, since I go to school ten hours from home, it's a fair bit easier and more convenient to go to church up there too.  And ever since I really started getting involved in that church, it's become my home church too.  In any case, I was gonna go to church with my family this morning.  However, when I should have been at/going to church, I was busy doing this:
The rest of my day consisted of watching movies and How I Met Your Mother on Netflix, reading Hyperbole and a Half,, that's pretty much it.  I also ate much more food than I should have, or would have back at school.
AND, I decided to go for a run.  So, I go put on running clothes and shoes instead of my pajamas, and tell my mom I'm going for a run.  I take a step out the front door and as I'm shutting it, I realize that it's raining.  Even so, I decide that it's not raining that hard, and if I don't run now, I won't all day,  so I go ahead and go.  But maybe a third into my plan run (probably not even that), It starts thundering and raining harder, so I just went back home and watched more stuff on Netflix.

Also, I've started realizing i'm either too busy to take pictures of my day, or too boring to take pictures of my day.  The lack of pictures due to busy-ness can't really be helped too much, but the lack of pictures because of boring days can!  That's because on those days, I have the TIME to take pictures, just nothing to take pictures of.  So, if you have ideas of what i should take pictures of for those days, let me know.  (Or maybe no one's reading this, and ..i'll just stop making a big deal in my head about the blog.  ..which is fairly likely, the stats part of the page says all my traffic sources are like, spambots and hikers from russia or something wierd. )

Friday, March 2, 2012

day 44

So, I woke up this morning, a tad later than I had meant (like, ten minutes before class late), and decided I would ride my bike to class instead of walk.  This is why I didn't:
As you can see, my bike is having a wrestling match with someone else's bike or something, so I didn't ride my bike to class.  I did make it through my last three classes though, and officially started Spring Break. :D  I also went to work, which was MUCH chiller than I thought it would be (i thought it was going to be nuts because it would be all subs, but the lack of people eating dinner made it really chill even so.)  then we went to church and just kinda hung out with some of the kids.  I got to make the popcorn too. :)  ..and that was my day.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

day 43

Spring Break's so close I can almost taste it!!! :D :D :D  tomorrow i just have two classes, and a test, and then I'm officially on break!  although, i do have to go to work in the evening, and should go to the gym as well.  And I get to go to church for some youth group stuff, which should be fun. :)

but today was pretty good, I just went to classes and stuff.  I also went for a run and spent quite a bit of time with my fiance's RD and his wife, who also doubles as our mentor couple, and that was fun. :) I also did remarkably little homework, which was also nice. :)  ..and that's my day.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

day 42 - leap day!

Hi.   I am a college student.  That means oftentimes, I have lots of papers and homework and normal paid work to do, and thus don't really have anything to put on here.  One, because I'm too busy and non-exciting to take a cool picture, or even just a picture of what I was doing.  Also, because I'm too busy to put it on here.  However, advice from my sister says i should make it a bit more blogg-y, than picture-y.  Which makes sense in my head, because basically, I'm coming to grips with the fact that it is quite unlikely that i will be a really good photographer, so I think I'll just settle for really not-sucky. :)

Anyways, this is like, mid-term/crunch time for the semester, previously mentioned, I've been pretty busy.  Even so, I've been having a pretty good week, especially today. I got to have lunch with a unit-mate from last year, and dinner with my roommate from freshman year.  I thought I had a paper due for a class tomorrow, but apparently he's just going to tell us what we need to do for it tomorrow.  Which means I get to do it over break, which makes me kinda unhappy.  What does make me happy about it though, is that I suddenly have a lot less work to do for the week than I thought.  So, I subbed for a friend who was swamped with homework, because I was not.  Which leads me to the picture for the day.  one of the sweep and moppers was mopping under a shelf, and started worrying a bit because green stuff started smearing around the shelf.  So, the other manager and myself started trying to figure out what it was, resulting in us picking up a lot of bottles of food coloring.

My hand turned red.   The last time my hand looked like this, I used magic markers.  And now every time I look at my hand, I have a mini-panic attack about what happened to my hand.

Also, note that I'm not wearing shoes.  That's because it's REALLY nice out.  ...almost torturously nice out; it's hard to focus on work and in class when its nice out, and when it's almost spring break.  And now I'm fighting both. :P