Sunday, April 15, 2012

day 59

so, after my mom and sister's visit, it was a fairly normal week.  Friday night, we had an all-nighter at our church for the youth group.  We had a really good time just hanging out, eating more junk food than you'd think could be consumed (actually, we didn't eat that much, we just brought that much. ...which means we still need to eat it. :P )  and playing frisbee.  lots and lots of frisbee.  even at like, 2 in the morning.  It was fun, but there was a small downside:  someone got a frisbee stuck in the gutter.  I actually didn't realize that until someone pointed it out on the way into church this morning.  So, the first half hour or so of youth group, we played "get the frisbee out of the gutter".  it was interesting:

yeah, that's right.  electric cord lasso.  didn't quite do it on its own though; the final solution ended up being someone threw a hula hoop with a roll of tape on it, connected to the cord up and got it stuck on the frisbee, then i threw a volleyball straight up at the bottom of the gutter to pop the frisbee out some.  when it came out some, they pulled the hula hoop back and freed the frisbee!  and that was our adventure for the day. :)

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