Sunday, April 1, 2012

day 53

so, these are my pants from work last night.   but to really understand why this is my representation of the day, I have to start with yesterday.  Fridays, I go to class from 9am to 1pm.  yesterday after I got out of class, I finished the paper I've been writing for Monday, and then went to lunch.  Then I continued working on homework, went and grabbed a sandwich before work, and then rushed out of work to go to church, where we have Friday night hangouts with the youth group.  yesterday's was particularly fun; we played a game called Pass the popcorn, ate way more food than even a dozen teenage boys should eat, and watched a movie (or, as in my case...hung out and played catchphrase while others watched a movie).  Then, after getting back just after midnight, i rushed to go to bed.
Rushed to go to bed?  who rushes to go to bed; that's supposed tocft be relaxing.  people who get back to their room at 12:30, and have to be at work at 7am rush to go to bed, and I was one of those people.  So i dutifully went to work at 7, and made biscuits and trayed up other food, and grilled sandwiches and other stuff the cooks have me do.  Then I rushed back to my dorm, to leave to go on a hiking trip followed by a cookout with the youth group (which was also fun :D ).  We got back to campus after all that around 4, and after a few minutes of sitting/quiet time, I had to go back to work because I was subbing for someone.  When I was cleaning up at the end of dinner, I accidentally squirted a bottle of oil all over my pants, hence the stain. thankfully, the dinner plans we had after that got cancelled.  that's good, 'cuz i didn't get off work 'til a half hour after they started (and then had a huge nasty stain all over my pants...not exactly desirable attire to go to someone else's house), and plus, i was so tired it probably wouldn't have turned out well.  it's kinda a bad thing though, 'cuz now we have to figure out a new time to do dinner, and we're kinda bad at scheduling get togethers. :)

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