Monday, September 10, 2012

day 85

This is what I got to look at on my way to work this morning.  I guess it's not the most unusual thing to see, but it's still not something you see everyday, and it was pretty cool to watch the fog (..or steam, i suppose) kinda roll across the lake.  It was a nice surprise to start my Monday. :)

And while today was not terribly exciting, there were still some other things going on to keep it from being just a typical Monday.  I got to have lunch with a good friend, who I haven't seen since near the end of last semester.  Technically, that's going to happen every Monday, but it hadn't happened yet, so it was definitely a nice treat for this week. :)  And then less nice, but I had to give a presentation in one of my classes.  I was really dreading it, mostly 'cuz I don't particularly like the class, feel particularly adept at what we're talking about, or like giving presentations.  But really, it went well, and we gave out cookies, and there were leftovers can something that gave you cookies be that bad?  And then, it was really nice out, so we haven't had to turn on our air conditioner.  We just left the door open, and it was really nice.

The rest of my day was spent doing homework for tomorrow, and writing a paper that's due Friday (since I have two due on Friday).  Well, and trying to find other things to do besides do homework. Like, I cleaned our living room; pulled together one big box of trash and picked up all my books off the floor and couch.

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