Wednesday, May 30, 2012

day 71

Today my cousin graduated from UVA.  Way to go! So, after convincing my grandparents to go with us (who were convinced we wouldn't go because Dad's been a tad sick), we made the drive up to Charlottesville.  Once there, we drove around in circles looking for parking, and then figured out how to get where we were going to watch her graduate.  We were going to watch her on a live feed inside, but we got there later than we meant to, so we were in an overflow room. ..The feed in the overflow room was almost as bad as the sound in the overflow room.  I have never seen or heard so much static-equivalent as on that day.  In anycase, we did finally sneak into the main room and actually understand what people were saying, and actually see her receive her diploma with her school in that same room.  Then we had a picnic before she rushed off to sing with a group she was involved in (which is very typical of her).  In anycase, these are some flowers from the walk from Newcomb Hall to ...wherever it was we were when we had our picnic. :)

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