Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 45

So, I was pretty excited to go to church this morning, because it's the only chance I get over spring break to go to my "home church."  Home church in quotations because, as much freshman year at college, it really was my home church.  and even more so when I still lived and went to school here, and was at this church every Sunday.  But, since I go to school ten hours from home, it's a fair bit easier and more convenient to go to church up there too.  And ever since I really started getting involved in that church, it's become my home church too.  In any case, I was gonna go to church with my family this morning.  However, when I should have been at/going to church, I was busy doing this:
The rest of my day consisted of watching movies and How I Met Your Mother on Netflix, reading Hyperbole and a Half,, that's pretty much it.  I also ate much more food than I should have, or would have back at school.
AND, I decided to go for a run.  So, I go put on running clothes and shoes instead of my pajamas, and tell my mom I'm going for a run.  I take a step out the front door and as I'm shutting it, I realize that it's raining.  Even so, I decide that it's not raining that hard, and if I don't run now, I won't all day,  so I go ahead and go.  But maybe a third into my plan run (probably not even that), It starts thundering and raining harder, so I just went back home and watched more stuff on Netflix.

Also, I've started realizing i'm either too busy to take pictures of my day, or too boring to take pictures of my day.  The lack of pictures due to busy-ness can't really be helped too much, but the lack of pictures because of boring days can!  That's because on those days, I have the TIME to take pictures, just nothing to take pictures of.  So, if you have ideas of what i should take pictures of for those days, let me know.  (Or maybe no one's reading this, and ..i'll just stop making a big deal in my head about the blog.  ..which is fairly likely, the stats part of the page says all my traffic sources are like, spambots and hikers from russia or something wierd. )

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