Sunday, September 23, 2012

day 86

Today wasn't too terribly interesting.  We had two brand new people at youth group, as well as several people who haven't come in a long time, so that was really exciting and encouraging to see. :)  Even though there were many encouraging things that happened at our church today, our church is still going through a pretty rough time, so if you'd remember to lift us up in prayer (especially our pastor and his family), it would be very appreciated.

Anyways, on a much more personal, like, "my life" basis...not a whole lot has happened the past two weeks. Well, I mean...a lot has happened, interesting is "our teacher didn't put the assignments up 'til late" or "I had a test today" really?  So I suppose, really...nothing particularly interesting has been happening lately.  Last weekend, I switched shifts (for the day) with one of my friends 'cuz he had a meeting, so I had to work through lunch, but not through dinner.  That was kind of an interesting change of pace.

And work last night was REALLY interesting.  I thought it was gonna be really crazy because we were short several people.  But somehow, it ended up being okay despite that; probably because we have a really good  crew on Saturday nights.  Of course, I didn't help things much by making a pretty rookie mistake, and feeling extra dumb for it.  I made some waffle batter, and put into the waffle batter dispensers.  BUT, i forgot to put the plug on the spout before I poured it in.  So, essentially, I just poured half a bucket of waffle batter on the counter. ...which dripped on the bottom shelf, and all over the floor.  Obviously, I didn't take a picture of THAT....but after I kinda sopped most of it up with paper towels, and kept it from making a bigger mess...I did take a picture of it.  So, please enjoy this picture of my oopsie:

...and you can't really tell, but I kinda dripped it all the way back to the sink. ..if you can't tell where that's at the far end of that table. was fun mopping it up at the end of the night. :-/

Monday, September 10, 2012

day 85

This is what I got to look at on my way to work this morning.  I guess it's not the most unusual thing to see, but it's still not something you see everyday, and it was pretty cool to watch the fog (..or steam, i suppose) kinda roll across the lake.  It was a nice surprise to start my Monday. :)

And while today was not terribly exciting, there were still some other things going on to keep it from being just a typical Monday.  I got to have lunch with a good friend, who I haven't seen since near the end of last semester.  Technically, that's going to happen every Monday, but it hadn't happened yet, so it was definitely a nice treat for this week. :)  And then less nice, but I had to give a presentation in one of my classes.  I was really dreading it, mostly 'cuz I don't particularly like the class, feel particularly adept at what we're talking about, or like giving presentations.  But really, it went well, and we gave out cookies, and there were leftovers can something that gave you cookies be that bad?  And then, it was really nice out, so we haven't had to turn on our air conditioner.  We just left the door open, and it was really nice.

The rest of my day was spent doing homework for tomorrow, and writing a paper that's due Friday (since I have two due on Friday).  Well, and trying to find other things to do besides do homework. Like, I cleaned our living room; pulled together one big box of trash and picked up all my books off the floor and couch.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

day 84

As a busy college student, sometimes you just have to take note of random things you pass in your day to get a break, 'cuz you can't really stop to actually take a break.  ...I'm not quite at that point, but I feel like I'm kinda getting there.  So, while I could tell you about the various homework assignments I've been working on, or exactly how my shift last night went...I won't.  What I will share, is this picture of a bug that was on our front door from when we got up this morning, 'til around 4 in the afternoon when Husband flicked him off.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

day 83

Well, this week's almost over, and it'll be nice to have the weekend to kinda recover.  Which to me, is kinda sad that I "need to recover", and still haven't had a full week of regularly scheduled classes.  (The only full week of classes we've had so far, one of my professors had to go out of town, so there were two different classes I didn't have to go to for the week.)  Nothing terribly exciting's really happened this week though, so...I guess I don't really have anything exciting to report for this week.

Our apartment has this kinda funny smell, that we're still trying to find the source of.  'Cuz it's not just like..."oh, our apartment smells different" it's like "ohh.....oh, is something going bad in here?" definitely want to get that taken care of.

And, I did our laundry today, 'cuz...well, basically, I've decided it's not something we want to take care of on the weekends.  What I didn't realize, is that Husband didn't take stuff out of his pockets because he was planning on wearing them to work tonight.  So, I just thought he was being really absent minded and left all this stuff in his pockets:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

day 82

Well, this is actually from a few days ago, 'cuz...well, I haven't really done that much interesting the past few days.  It was Labor day, so we had the day off.  It was nice to just relax and sleep in and stuff.  We also went to the mall and bought Husband some new shoes, because his were starting to fall apart and stuff.  But really, that was about it for the extended weekend.

And, the story behind the picture of the day actually goes back a while.  Over the summer, we were working  on the school custodial staff.  And when the camps came through, we had to go clean after them.  And we got to keep some of the random stuff we found if we wanted it.  Point being, Husband and some other guys found a chicken mask, and so they kept it.  For whatever reason he decided to wear it to church Sunday night.  And then, one of the other leaders decided to make him a costume so he could be Chicken-man, or some kind of superhero.  And so, here he is, in all his glory:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 81

Today...the beginning of a 3-day weekend. :)  Weekends are nice; I don't have to get up early for work, so I slept in 'til almost noon.  and then we ate lunch, and planned some stuff for youth group  (so any youth-group kids out there: come tomorrow; it's gonna be good. :) )  Then Husband and I went to the library to get some movies ('cuz it's a three-day weekend and we'll actually have time to watch them), and then well, then I had to go to work.

I usually don't mind work so much.  In fact, most of the time, I quite enjoy it.  However, last Saturday was ROUGH.  like, nine kinds of rough.  and then this week, it kinda started out the same way, and I was convinced we were gonna be stuck there 'til 11 or something ridiculous again (and yes, we actually were there until 11:15 last week).  But people are getting the hang of their jobs; we had better workers; we managed stuff better than we did last week...the garbage disposal didn't break....I don't know what the ultimate cause was, but we ended up getting out a tad after 9:30, which is when we really should be getting out, so that was wonderful. :)

And the explanation of today's picture:  A few years ago, I got one of those "CUSH" pillows.  and I really like it; it's pretty comfy and fun to play with.  But, it was recently discovered that it's been leaking some micro-bead-stuffing-stuff.  So, we decided that rather than just throw it away, we'd just get some fabric and cover it up.  So, 1- HGTV is right -recover stuff if you can.  I paid $2.25 for the fabric and sewed it up in well under two hours (by hand...if you had a sewing'd have been like 2 seconds.)  and 2 - here is my newly covered pillow:

day 80

Today was the Friday of the first full week of classes.  crazy no?  Actually, it's not that crazy.  My day was pretty uneventful; just went to classes and stuff.  We got brownies in auditing though, so that's exciting. :)  And then there was a small fiasco about did I need to work dinner, but that got all straightened out and I ended up not having to work, so that was nice. :)  I also got to just sit and talk with my husband on one of the couches in the student center, and found this:

and then...well, yeah, my night was pretty uneventful too.  Husband (who I will probably continue calling "husband" in the interests of not using people's names), went out to dinner and stuff with some other guys from church, and I just kinda hung out at home and ...well you know.  hung out at home by myself. :)

(note the bit of pop-tart in there.)