Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 62

Today was our last day of Thursday classes for the semester.  It was a pretty chill, and uneventful day.  I overslept and skipped my first Macroeconomics class for the semester, subbed for someone during lunch, and got to have lunch with a very good friend who I haven't seen in a few weeks.  I also finished ALL of my homework for the REST of the semester, so I'm pretty stoked about that too. :) 

Interesting story for the day:  I got an e-mail from one of my professors, saying I hadn't turned in one of my homework assignments.  "Oh yes, I did," I thought as I rifled through my binder, and found the assignment in question about 3 pages in.  And that folks, is why you should have at least this many papers in your binder at the end of a semester:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 61

Tonight was specialty night for dinner, which means instead of mystery meat or whatever other kinda of hash the school cafeteria normally serves, there were steaks and chicken strips!  I was very excited about this when I walked into work, because (since I was working through dinner), I didn't have to wait in the half-hour line you usually have to wait in to get some of this delicious food; simply put it on a plate, into the warmer, and then get it when my shift was over.  Unfortunately, they ran out of steaks over an hour before my shift ended.  I was rather upset.  Anyways, this is the an interesting picture I took from dinner.  It even comes with an interesting quiz question:

Why did my fiance need 4 bowls for dinner?

a)  to try more sauces to dip chicken in.
b)  because there was only one normal size bowl out in the cafeteria.
c)  he didn't; some are mine and he's being a gentleman and preparing to take them up for me.
d)  False.  There are only three bowls in this picture.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

day 60

Explanation of the picture:  there were fresh strawberries in Chuck's; and my fiance enjoyed them. :) 

Story of my day: ..actually, there's not much of one.  I went to classes and work like normal, swung by friend's senior presentation and helped break up her 5 hours of standing by a poster, went to the gym and did minimal amounts of homework, and...basically, absolutely nothing exciting happened today.  But it's always good to have days like that; it's kinda like the calm before the storm, since finals week is just...another week and a half away.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

day 59

so, after my mom and sister's visit, it was a fairly normal week.  Friday night, we had an all-nighter at our church for the youth group.  We had a really good time just hanging out, eating more junk food than you'd think could be consumed (actually, we didn't eat that much, we just brought that much. ...which means we still need to eat it. :P )  and playing frisbee.  lots and lots of frisbee.  even at like, 2 in the morning.  It was fun, but there was a small downside:  someone got a frisbee stuck in the gutter.  I actually didn't realize that until someone pointed it out on the way into church this morning.  So, the first half hour or so of youth group, we played "get the frisbee out of the gutter".  it was interesting:

yeah, that's right.  electric cord lasso.  didn't quite do it on its own though; the final solution ended up being someone threw a hula hoop with a roll of tape on it, connected to the cord up and got it stuck on the frisbee, then i threw a volleyball straight up at the bottom of the gutter to pop the frisbee out some.  when it came out some, they pulled the hula hoop back and freed the frisbee!  and that was our adventure for the day. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

day 58

My mom and sister are here visiting for a few days while they're on break, so we went to a mall.  We passed some of the kiddie ride things, and so my fiance and sister hopped on for a quick photo op.  Probably not the most exciting moment of their visit, but that's okay.  It was really nice to see them for a while, and we all had a really good time. :)

day 57

Today was basically the same as break, some homework, some work, and some hanging out.  On my way back to my room after my breakfast shift, I decided to take a picture of this confetti stuff on the floor outside the RD's office.  It was there all weekend, and honestly, it might still be there.  I don't know why. 
Umm....yeah, again..nothing really exciting.  I think the most exciting stuff that happened was at work, when i slipped and fell (i'm fine), and when i stood up into a rack, which...while not damaging or anything, hurt like heck.  It about felt like I pulled off my arm. :-/  But yeah...just finished up break nicely, and ready to go at it for another few weeks. :)

day 56 - Easter


It's Easter break, so I feel like I *should* have taken a picture each day, but i didn't.  But I did go for a nice walk, and took a lot of pictures, so I'm going to post a few of my favorites from that :

And, recap from break:  I did a lot of homework, but, having two days off from school, I also got to just kinda hang out and watch movies, and generally chill out more than I usually do.  I also worked a lot, which...wasn't really bad over break, and I'm sure my bank account will really thank me for it in about a week, so that's definitely good too. :)  We got to have dinner with some friends, or, more professionally, we had our final Fit to Be Tied session with our mentor couple, and that was really nice.  And probably the most memorable moment of the weekend:  The guy who I usually do music with at church said he wouldn't be there, so I spent a few hours on Saturday picking songs to play, learning how to play them, and writing out the lyrics and chords to get all ready for Sunday morning.  AS I was finishing writing the lyrics and chords out (or rather, i was about halfway through the third song; my fiance had just finished the powerpoint), the pastors wife called and said someone was going to play the piano the following morning, and would we lead the singing for these four songs.  I really didn't mind, but it would definitely have been nice to know before I spent a few hours planning that out myself.  Oh well.  it ended up fine, and we had a really nice Easter service. :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

day 54

..apparently I like taking caddy-cornered pictures; sorry, but i like the way it looks.  This is a picture of my room, with a note taped to the door.  Just a few moments ago, I received an e-mail from my RD saying we could get out of room checks tomorrow by posting a note about our favorite Easter memory on our door.  Obviously, I could benefit by getting out of room checks, and so I did.

and that is my super awesome story from the day.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

day 53

so, these are my pants from work last night.   but to really understand why this is my representation of the day, I have to start with yesterday.  Fridays, I go to class from 9am to 1pm.  yesterday after I got out of class, I finished the paper I've been writing for Monday, and then went to lunch.  Then I continued working on homework, went and grabbed a sandwich before work, and then rushed out of work to go to church, where we have Friday night hangouts with the youth group.  yesterday's was particularly fun; we played a game called Pass the popcorn, ate way more food than even a dozen teenage boys should eat, and watched a movie (or, as in my case...hung out and played catchphrase while others watched a movie).  Then, after getting back just after midnight, i rushed to go to bed.
Rushed to go to bed?  who rushes to go to bed; that's supposed tocft be relaxing.  people who get back to their room at 12:30, and have to be at work at 7am rush to go to bed, and I was one of those people.  So i dutifully went to work at 7, and made biscuits and trayed up other food, and grilled sandwiches and other stuff the cooks have me do.  Then I rushed back to my dorm, to leave to go on a hiking trip followed by a cookout with the youth group (which was also fun :D ).  We got back to campus after all that around 4, and after a few minutes of sitting/quiet time, I had to go back to work because I was subbing for someone.  When I was cleaning up at the end of dinner, I accidentally squirted a bottle of oil all over my pants, hence the stain. thankfully, the dinner plans we had after that got cancelled.  that's good, 'cuz i didn't get off work 'til a half hour after they started (and then had a huge nasty stain all over my pants...not exactly desirable attire to go to someone else's house), and plus, i was so tired it probably wouldn't have turned out well.  it's kinda a bad thing though, 'cuz now we have to figure out a new time to do dinner, and we're kinda bad at scheduling get togethers. :)