Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jan 16th, 2013

In my Literature class, we're reading Hamlet, and my professor keeps talking about how Shakespeare used words to paint a picture, so my plan was to do the same, but...I'm tired, and not that great with words.  All the same, no picture today, but I do have a funny story  (and I'll try to be a little wordier than I usually am, to make up for the lack of picture and be a bit more Shakespeare-an).

After a fairly long day of classes and homework, I went to the cafeteria for work.  As a student manager, I get to find out about all the weird things that happen during my shifts, even if I'm not in close proximity to those occurrences when they actually happen.   For example, today I heard one of the guys in the dish room start talking to my co-manager, and a few minutes later, my co-manager was holding a slightly bent food trap (that would no longer fit where it was supposed to), and asking where he could find a meat cleaver.  Not knowing where we keep the meat cleaver (and also thinking perhaps we shouldn't start beating a food trap with one, even if we could find one), I went and asked our boss, if that was the course of action we should take, and if so, where we could find a meat cleaver.  She said that we would have to beat the bend out, but she would use a hammer instead, and then told me where to find a hammer.

So, I go get the hammer and get the thing straightened out, and then go tell her that we did get it fixed and she didn't need to send in a work order or anything.  However, I think she may have slightly misunderstood me, and thought I meant that I had found the hammer, and was getting ready to go straighten it out.  she asked me, "Have you seen the Hobbit?"  and after seeing my nod, she told me, "Pretend you're a dwarf, making the swords and such."  I thought, "Oh, that would have been way cooler, I should have done that.   I mostly just thought 'wow, I'm making loud noises; this is kinda fun.'"

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