Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014

Hello everyone,

 I think it might have been a bit over a week since last time, but, much closer to it than a few months.  So, I'm working on it.

But the past week or so has been a good one.  We had another snow storm, not nearly as bad as the last one we had, just after Thanksgiving, but still enough to get our boys out of school for a whole week.  and more remarkably, they dealt with it really well - they got along pretty well, an didn't seem to be sick of each other by the end of the week, so there's not a whole lot more we could have asked for.

And in the past few days, it was my birthday.   We didn't do anything on my birthday, since we were working and snowed in and everything.  But, last night, we went out to dinner and to go see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty ...which was REALLY REALLY good.  (Nathan said he hadn't thought it looked that good, but he was thoroughly impressed.

And in the next few days (or hopefully today)...we'll be pulling down our Christmas tree and getting all the clutter around our house picked up.  That won't be too much fun, but it will be nice to have it done.  :)

Anyways, that's about as much as I've got to say for now.  Hope to be back up here in a week or so!

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