Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jan 29, 2014

Man, I've had a lot of thoughts running through my head lately. Some of it's been getting our house organized (or namely, our kitchen table cleaned off - that's where EVERYthing seems to accumulate), some of it's been how to spend our money (I was pretty okay with our plan to pay off student debt before I realized exactly how much interest sucks), and so forth and so one, and some of it's been wrestling with deep theological/personal issues.

I mean, this goes right along with how to spend money.  One of my friends recently posed the question "is it okay for Christians to be wealthy?"  (or how much money is it okay for Christians to have, I forget exactly how she worded it.) Now, in a broad sense, when you put it like that, I know my answer.  But when it comes down to how I use my money?  well, then it starts to get a little fuzzier.

A perfect example (and the one that I've been struggling with lately).  Around...I dunno, October maybe? I decided I wanted a tablet, so I set up a way for me to get one.  Then, just after Thanksgiving, I found a good deal on one, so I just went ahead got one a little preemptively (I thought it was on sale, but it wasn't.  But it WAS a really good deal, and I'm really happy I bought one, so it kinda works out.)

But, around the time that happened, my husband decided he needed a new computer (his computer kept shocking him).  So, he got a really nice new computer, which, to be fair, he probably needed more than I know or will admit.  But, when he started complaining about his computer, I started disliking mine.  I found a pretty cheap solution to mine, decided to try it, and it started working really well.  :)  And yet, I still wanted to get a new computer.

And then the shame set in - all of the nice things we have, not wanting for food, for clothes, not shivering in the middle of the night....and yet I'm upset because my computer's running too slow.  Do I really want to spend $300 or $400 on a new computer, when mine still works pretty well?  Am I really that spoiled?  Is a new computer really worth it, especially compared to all of the people world-wide who NEED that $300 for food?  I'm just not sure.

See the tape?
And then, shortly after Christmas - things got a bit more complicated.  While cleaning up our kitchen, I accidentally knocked my laptop off the kitchen table.  When that happened, the battery popped out, and some little pieces broke off (the battery won't stay in on it's own).  To which I thought, "oh, well.  I guess that makes my decision for me - now that my computer's actually broken."  Of course, not long later, I realized that this was actually pretty easily fixed - I can either use my computer on a flat surface, where the battery can't fall out, or leave it plugged in all the time.  OR, true to how I was raised, I could tape it in place, which has worked pretty well.  

And so it's back to square one - should I, or should I not, get a new computer?  Is that really how I should be spending my money?  and I just don't know.

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