Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013

We went up to Michigan this past weekend for Easter, and took pictures because we were on vacation.  And as I started to share them on facebook, I realized I hadn't posted anything on here in a while.  However, I hadn't realized it had been *quite* this long.  In anycase,  I thought I would share some of the more interesting pictures/stories, and play a bit of catch up.

This is a picture of the birthday cake I made for my brother-in-law's birthday.  It looks kinda silly (the candle's are supposed to be arranged in his age, but you can't tell :/ ), but it was delicious, and we had a very nice afternoon/lunch with him celebrating his birthday, so it was a good day.   :)

A while later, I was working on  avoiding some homework, and found a youtube video on how to do a five-strand braid.  technically, I didn't take this picture; my husband did, but this is my first attempt at doing it.  Well, the first time I managed to make it down to the end of my hair at least.  The first few tries, I couldn't get all of my hair IN it.  It *is* kinda difficult to manage 5 different strands of hair like that. :-/

Over Easter break, we went up to Michigan for a big family event.  We stayed for a few days in Frankenmuth, and while we were there, we visited Bronner's Christmas store.  That place is mind-boggling-ly huge, but there are a lot of incredible sights there.  (For example, think of a standard size walmart, that sells nothing but ornaments.  Bronner's does that, but they sell other things too, like trees, and lighted houses, and stockings, and lawn ornaments...)  Anyways, in the lighted house displays, I was very excited to see a Williamsburg themed section, complete with Continential soldiers playing fifes and drums.  It was really neat.  Aside from that, we got to tour Frankenmuth some, a town nicknamed "Michigan's little Bavaria."  To be fair, we didn't get a WHOLE lot of time to sightsee there, but it was a really neat little place, and we had a good time seeing stuff, and more importantly, seeing some family.

Let's see, other exciting things.  Well, we graduate in ...31 days?  Just over a month, it's kinda ridiculous. It's kinda scary, too, as neither of have jobs lined up specifically, though we DO have an interview lined up for the week after graduation that we're pretty excited and hopeful about. So anyways, preparing for graduation and dealing with a full load of classes and work (while fighting off a mild case of senioritis), has kept me pretty busy, which is probably a LARGE part of why I haven't posted anything on here since the semester got into full swing.  Also contributing to that, is that through some unfortunate circumstances, my husband and I are now sharing "my" camera, and as he's actually taking a class titled "creative photography"...there's not really THAT much sharing going on.  but summer's coming, and hopefully soon after, larger paychecks, so maybe we'll be able to remedy that problem soon. :)

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