Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 74

Today, I fell asleep while mom and I were driving home from our trip (she was driving).  When I woke up, this was on our windshield.  That must have been a big bug; I don't think I've ever actually seen blood smeared over a windshield like that.

Day 73

This weekend, my mom and I took a trip up to where I go to school, and will be living next year, to help my fiance settle into the apartment and get it set up some and stuff.   When we got there saturday morning, there were lots of boxes spread all over, and not much stuff set up.  Now, it actually looks like a house:

Day 72

My mom recently ordered a dress for my wedding, and has been anxiously awaiting its arrival.  Part of it is that she was scared she was being scammed, so it's arrival meant she wasn't being scammed, but I think most of it was that she was just super stoked to have a new dress.  Anyways, it came today, which was a kinda interesting waiting game, because Amvets or Purple Heart or something came today.  So, when I got home, there was nothing on the front porch, which gave rise to the suspicion that it had been delivered, and then taken away with all the stuff we were actually trying to get rid of.  However,that didn't happen, and mom finally got her dress.

day 71

Today my cousin graduated from UVA.  Way to go! So, after convincing my grandparents to go with us (who were convinced we wouldn't go because Dad's been a tad sick), we made the drive up to Charlottesville.  Once there, we drove around in circles looking for parking, and then figured out how to get where we were going to watch her graduate.  We were going to watch her on a live feed inside, but we got there later than we meant to, so we were in an overflow room. ..The feed in the overflow room was almost as bad as the sound in the overflow room.  I have never seen or heard so much static-equivalent as on that day.  In anycase, we did finally sneak into the main room and actually understand what people were saying, and actually see her receive her diploma with her school in that same room.  Then we had a picnic before she rushed off to sing with a group she was involved in (which is very typical of her).  In anycase, these are some flowers from the walk from Newcomb Hall to ...wherever it was we were when we had our picnic. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 70

Today's actually been a pretty crazy day.  I got to sub at my old high school, which was pretty cool. ...Except for where I wore shoes that didn't quite fit right, and wore a nice blister into the back of my heel.  So I thought about taking a picture of that, but decided not to. 

I also helped my mom grade some papers at school.  I thought about taking a picture of this one kid's paper, but decided that would be an invasion of privacy or some other legal stuff I don't want to get tangled up in, so I left it alone.  But here's why I wanted to take a picture of it.  The kid got 10 out of 25 questions wrong on a test.  Or, the answer sheet where he bubbled in the answers.  On the actual test with the questions, he only got two wrong.  There was a lot of red on his paper, and I just thought it was interesting to see how many mistakes he made by (I assume) going too fast and incorrectly bubbling in answers.

But what I decided to take a picture of, was this:
Today,  I received an RSVP card back from one of my really good friends from college. Or rather, one of our mutual really good friends from college, because he's also really good friends with my fiance. In anycase, in addition to the RSVP card, he also wrote a really sweet note, and included a "lucky loony" (from the Vancouver Olympics) to wish us luck in our marriage.  I just thought that was really sweet and cool and all that jazz, and that's why it's today's picture for the day.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 69

Today was my cousins birthday, so we went to his house and had a cookout.  They somehow managed to find tomatoes that were bigger than the burgers.  I've NEVER seen that before.

Day 68

Today, my cousin and aunt held a bridal shower in my honor, and these were some of the decorations.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 67

After being home for almost a whole week, I finally got a chance to sub and earn some money.  I also got the chance to just kinda relax (even though I've been doing that for most of the rest of my time home), as well as go to orchestra practice for church.  Later this evening, I was flipping through channels, and saw that A Walk To Remember was on.  I thought about watching it, but I decided against it due to technical difficulties.  As in...believe it or not, the image was stuck on this for a really long time. Like seriously ...this is a commercial.  You can't hear the voice-over or anything, but it was talking about a sale at JC Penney or something while I took this picture.

day 66

After my final...well, final, and lunch with some really good friends, I worked for a few hours helping the cafeteria get all ready for its renovations. looks so different and cluttered.

day 65

Today, I subbed for someone, and the guy cleaning off the line found a wad of ...well, under the line crud.  ...isn't it lovely?

day 64

The people at our church are kind enough to give us goodie bags with popcorn and fruits in them at the end of each semester.  I actually shared mine with my fiance, so he gave me his later in the week when i needed something to snack on.  I have NEVER had a bag of popcorn with butter smeared all over the outside, straight out of the package.  no idea what's going on there.

day 63

I'm actually doing this like, two weeks late, so I don't remember everything that was going on this week and stuff.  This was after my monday night shift; I suppose we were celebrating being done with classes.  and our friends offered us a cookie-monster cookie (can't you see his eye?) that turned out tongues blue.