Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

So, pretty early this morning, I looked out our back window, and this is what I saw:

notice how the background's WHITE.  yeah, that's how foggy it was (you can usually see mountains and trees and fields and stuff.  It was extra impressive and weird when I noticed it, 'cuz I was sitting on the couch and couldn't even see the trees in our yard.  

Anyways, we had a pretty quiet morning.  I hung out with our resident, while Husband went and took care of paperwork and stuff.  But then, things got REALLY interesting.  We had been thinking for a while we might ask to have two other residents in particular over to our cottage because  reasons,preferences and dynamics (and other factors that would take far too long to explain, besides probably breaking some confidentiality agreements).  Anyways, we had a conversation about that with some of our higher-ups almost a week ago, and then stuff came up, and we forgot to do anything about it until yesterday.  So this morning, Nathan sent an e-mail to the head honcho about it, and just before lunch, we got a phone call saying that that was definitely going to happen.  In fact, it was so definitely going to happen, it was going to happen after lunch.  

And then things got more interesting.  While discussing which rooms we were going to place the new residents in, we were told that we're going to get two MORE boys next Tuesday.  They told us things might change quickly, but I wasn't *quite* expecting that one. But things are definitely changing quickly.  One boy on Wednesday, 3 today, school starts Monday (after getting all three adjusted to a new church on Sunday), and then two more on Tuesday!  And then we go off Thursday night.  whew!  Crazy few days, but God is good. :)

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