Tuesday, August 28, 2012

day 79

Well, today I got every college kid's dream:  THREE packages.  THREE!  for the kid who still gets excited about getting a box, when she already knows it's a textbook she ordered.  But actually, it was really exciting (even though I mostly knew what was in them).  My mom sent us some stuff to use for our youth group, and I somehow got it in my head that she was sending us the student versions of the book, but she actually sent the full version.  Which is cool, because we'd just been talking about how the full version is much deeper than the student version, and more likely to hold the kids' attention.  PLUS, it came with some other books that I've been thinking about lately, and am pretty excited to read. :D

Otherwise though, my day was pretty normal and unexciting. I worked a lot and went to classes, and got ahead on some homework.  Two of my classes are cancelled for this week due to some family issues for the professor.  But I've gone through all the power points and things he left for us to study in his absence, so I'm done with both of those for the week too.  So basically, classes haven't *quite* gotten into full swing yet, so I'm taking advantage of the extra time by trying to get ahead, so I can stay ahead. :)  Work on the other hand, is less stressful when it is in full swing.  We're still working on getting everyone trained and settling shifts and everything, so hopefully in a week or two, we'll be able to be done closer to 9:30 than 10. but until then, I guess it's an extra $4 for me. :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

day 78

You'll never guess what I got in this package.... lol.  yeah, surprise, a book.  for my Non-Profit and Government Accounting class.

In other news...probably the most significant thing that happened since the last post, as far as this blog is concerned, is that I lost my camera.  But then, on the first day of classes, I found it in the side pocket of my backpack.  And so, as far as equipment is concerned, I'm all set to go for the blog again.

Other really important changes that have happened in my life, are...I got married, so now he and I are living out where we go to school in an apartment that...well, it's an apartment.  I've decided it can be described fairly well by the statement "we got a really good price on it, but maybe not such a good deal."  But like I said, it's a place to live, and we can afford it, which is good, since both of us are still in school for the time being.  It's good to be back at school, especially now that it's school time again, and there are actually people around.  It's good to see some friends, and to be doing stuff besides cleaning toilets (which is what we did when we were here for the summer. ...not the best job, but again...just thankful to have a job.)  And I guess the way all that ties into blog-impact is that I'm taking 16 credits and working roughly 20 hours a week....picture taking and blog writing are just not that high up there on the priority list.

All the same, I'm glad to have a normal schedule back, be back around some really amazing people and in the awesome environment that's at our school, and be able to try and get back in the swing of this too.  So I guess we'll just see what God has in store for this year, and see how well I do with the whole blogging thing. :)