Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013

Uh, so no pictures today.  I have quite a few since I last posted (...geez!  was it really mid-October since then? ), but...there are so many, and I decided I'd rather just write some stuff than have photos with it.  So, in keeping with the New Year's theme, here come some highlights of the past few months.

At the end of October, we were able to travel up to our alma mater to visit some friends and stuff.  (We'll probably do that again this semester too).  It was a really nice get-away, good to catch up with some friends, and just kinda pretend we were college students again.  It's not many people who can say they literally took a step back in time like that, but we did, and it was really nice. :)

In November...two of our boys left, (and we got to experience having boys kicked off the bus for the first time.)  But, that's about as exciting as work got.  And, we got to take some time off around Thanksgiving, which was pretty nice, since Nathan's family was able to come down for a visit.  We just hung around the surrounding area here, but it was still a really good time.

In December, again, nothing super exciting as far as work goes.  But, we did get to take some vacation time.  Right after Christmas, we got to meet up with my family in Memphis and tour around there some.  It's a really neat place, and we had a  really good time.  Plus, we switched cars with my parents, so we have a car(SUV) that's a bit more suited to living on a dirt road than our previous car was.  So that worked out really well. :)

We've had a really good year.  Lots of interesting things have happened, lots of things have changed, and we've learned a lot.  So, here's hoping to another year of good experiences and lessons!

(P.S.  Let's make a deal - I'll try and post once a week, and if you read/like my blog, comment, share it on Facebook/Google+, or just tell me.  okay? God bless :) )