Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 21, 2013

Whoops, I haven't done this in a while.  Just get busy during the day, and at the end of the day, it's just a race to finish some paperwork so we can go to bed.

Anyways, this is the picture of the week, I guess.  I mean, it was from over a week ago, but it's the only picture I have since the last time I posted.  Anyways, here's the deal:  every night, we have to set an alarm that goes off if any of the kids leave their room or anything.  But one day, it turned off.  Like, the batteries died, and there was not getting it set that night.  So, we had to sleep out in the living room.  It worked out okay though, because you remember that couch/bean-bag thing we got a while ago?  It turns into a mattress, so we didn't have to sleep on the couch, we got to sleep on an actual mattress.  Our assessment:  better than an air mattress, not as good as a real one.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8, 2013

Well, it's been a crazy week for us.  Sunday through Tuesday of last week, we were really just pushing to make it through to the end of our on-duty stretch.  We made it, and actually, as hard a time as I had making it to the end, I spent a surprising amount of Tuesday night thinking and talking (and some planning) about our boys.  And even then, we weren't really free from work, because we had to make a 3-hour trip to go to some training for work on Wednesday.  but then, we really were done. :)

Thursday, we really had some time off, but even then, we couldn't really just sit down and you  Instead, we got our house pretty much cleaned up (or at least, we got the junk off our table. :) ), and got packed up for our trip.  And then, Friday, we got up super super early and left to catch a plane back to my home, for my sister's wedding!  Friday we got the place all set up and decorated (...which was mostly done by the time I got there...), and did the rehearsal and everything, and then Saturday we ran around doing last minute things and getting ready and taking pictures, and getting my sister and her now-husband married. :)  It went so well, and we all had a great time :)

And then today, we packed up (or you know, put the boxes we packed up yesterday in our cars), and drove home, unpacked, took my brother to the airport, and just kinda hung out (and watched Duck Dynasty, which I just found out my parents are big fans of. :) )  Anycase, we're gonna rest and sleep up tonight, and tomorrow we'll get up at a much more reasonable time than we did to come here, and catch our flight back to where we live.  And then we'll get to just sleep up tomorrow night, and then go back on duty the day after that, so we got some nice vacation time in this week. :)

Anyways, considering my sister got married, you'd think I'd have a ton (or at least one) pictures of her wedding.  However, my husband borrowed my camera...for the entire weekend.  so, I don't really have any pictures from it.  I did manage to catch a few pictures though, so because it's been a whole week since I posted something, and in honor of her wedding, you get all three of them!

This is a picture of my husband, the night before we left.  He decided to shave while in the shower (and thus, no mirror).  He did ask for me to tell him once or twice where stuff would be evened up, but...obviously not enough.  After a while, he just gave up, and shaved facing a mirror (over the sink) after he got out of the shower.  And he looked very nice after that. :)
This is a picture I took while running some errands after getting picked up on Friday. We had to go pick up a keyboard from the music store in town, and when we pulled up, I noticed that the strip of buildings in which the store was located had a funky swirly chimney.  I thought it was cool, and so here's a picture.  
This is a picture at the rehearsal dinner.  The restaurant we went to set this out as an appetizer (I think just for the bride and groom).  It's a rose, but it's edible.  The stem is made out of some fancy bacon (I heard some one say that it had something special done to it, and it sure looks like something was done to it, but I have no idea what was done to it.)  and the flower part is made out of a deviled egg.  

And this is the only picture of the wedding day that I have.  My sister and I went to run errands the day of the wedding (because we had to get our hair done, and pick up the flowers).  Anyways, I ended up needing to parallel park while we were out, which most people make a little bit of a big deal of, since it's kind of uncommon to do anymore (which probably adds to why people always say it's hard).  It was also more of a big deal for me, because (though it was debated later that day), that was the part of driver's ed that everyone (including my dad, which is kinda impressive in and of itself) thought I didn't actually need, and never made me do.  Anyways, first time time having to parallel park, and with no one else in the car (coaching or otherwise), this was my second attempt.  ...The first time, I got between the cars, but I was only like a foot in from the street.   But, by the end of the day, I was a pro at parallel parking (and backing up and down steep, curvy hills.)

Anyways, I might be gone for another bit, since the battery in my camera is dead, but once we get back home, I'll find some more stuff to take pictures of. :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September 1, 2013

So, our week wasn't been too bad.  and then it was the weekend.  And really, it's not even that the weekend's been that bad; the kids have actually been really good.  ... it's just that we're tired, and they got out of school early on Friday, and they don't have school tomorrow, so we have to come up with stuff to do with the kids while they're not at school.  But it has been good.  we've had a lot of fun playing around the house and at the creek.

Anyways, our picture for today:

We're having a group on campus this week.  They're going to stay in their campers and do some helpful things around the Ranch (though to be honest, I don't exactly remember what they're going to do.  I know the ladies are going to decorate Christmas wreaths and bake us cookies, but I don't know what the guys are going to do.  I kinda went into "I'm going to be off-duty that week; I don't really care what's going on then" mode when they started talking about it."  Anyways, just be praying that they can do all the things that they mean to do, and that they're blessed while they're here (and especially that we don't do anything to make them not blessed).  

Also, I found this picture on my camera today.  It's not really anything special, just a moth we found on our house the other day.  But it sure did look cool, so I thought I would post a picture of it. :)